The Fedora On a Suit

Not until the start of 2013, I hadn’t paid much attention to adding headwear to my formal looks. I usually stuck with the common accessories which go from the neck downwards. I then came across the Fedora hat which was racing back into fashion after its 19th century prime, often worn by the gangsters, businessmen, and tv stars.

I am a huge admirer of mixing retro style and modern-day style. Retro or classic style was known for its smart and sophisticated look while modern style concentrates more on the fit and shape towards one’s body. This simply equals perfection.

The fedora hat is another brilliant way to give your attire a good statement and shows your deep attention to detail and how much you consider your reputation for every occasion. With such an accessory, due to it being at the very top of your look and most obvious detail to your look, you need to wear it with confidence and must have a bold and presentable persona. This allows for a positive judgement on your look, rather than it coming across as a wardrobe malfunction.

I’ll run you through a look on how I wore the Fedora hat in a corporate way.


First I picked out my black skinny suit as it was a smart casual occasion and not a business meeting or a day at the office. But it was a dull but summery day, so I needed a bit of colour and vibrant touch to the look and decided to go for a checked burgundy and green shirt to take attention away from the dull suit. I needed to make sure its known that I acknowledge the weather .


My accessories consisted of a green knitted skinny tie to match the shirt as I needn’t add any new colour to the look as I will probable upset the entire look and end up looking like a painting.

My choice of pocket square was simple, I went for the three-point fold to try bring out the four different colours at each segment.


Finally I rounded it up with the some gold socks to slightly match the Fedora hat and then black shoes which go well with the suit.

Thanks again for taking some time to read through this article.


Your favourite stylist,
Yinka Jermaine.


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